March 19, 2024March 19, 2024Ruby, Thoughts Petrol Station Simulator in Ruby Yes! My simulator speed issue from the previous post is now solved! In this post I just want to show the simulator’s […]
March 7, 2024March 8, 2024Ruby, Thoughts Sleep granularity delay with Ruby, Rust and C In my hobby petrol station simulation project that uses threads and custom timer, I’m having an issue with stability of results. When […]
April 21, 2023July 2, 2023Thoughts Współpraca z Czatem GPT w uczeniu programowania Po dwóch dniach przygotowywania postów z CzatemGPT jestem pod totalnym wrażeniem tego narzędzia. Choć nie wiem do końca jak działa, zawsze mogę […]